Fall Conference Schedule

Grants: Finding and Applying for Funding

 September 19-21, 2011 | Wildacres, Little Switzerland, NC (Directions)

Monday, September 19th

  • 4:00-6:00 Check-In, North Lodge Lobby
  • 6:30 Dinner
  • 7:30 Welcome and Opening Session featuring Susan Miller Cochran, NCSU, discussing the WPA Research Grants
  • 8:30 Social/Networking in the Canteen

Tuesday, September 20th

  • 8:00 Breakfast
  • 9:00-10:30 Finding Funding Opportunities

1)     Finding internal funding sources —Tim Peeples, Elon

2)     Finding national funding sources—Meg Morgan/Boyd Davis, UNC Charlotte

  • 10:45-12:30  Grant Writing 101/Finding Regional Funding Sources—Michelle Eble, ECU
  • 12:30 Lunch
  • 1:30-2:30 What I’ve learned: Stories from 6 years seeking funding from the National Writing Project– Lynne Rhodes, USC Aiken
  • 2:30-5:00 Grant writing practice/drafting and working with “roaming consultants” (panelists and speakers)
  • 5:00-6:00 Break/outdoor time
  • 6:00 Dinner (CWPA Board Meeting)
  • 7:30 Social/Bonfire

Wednesday, September 21st

  • 8:00 Breakfast
  • 8:45-9:45 Closing Session

CFP – Grants: Finding and Applying for Funding Opportunities

Eighth Annual Carolinas WPA Conference at Wildacres

Call for Proposals

Grants: Finding and Applying for Funding Opportunities

September 19-21, 2011 | Wildacres Retreat, Little Switzerland, NC

*Proposal deadline: Friday, July 15th*

Conference Theme and Design

In these lean financial times, resources for innovative program development, curriculum design, and WPA-related research is very difficult to come by. As a result, WPAs increasingly need to take part in internal and external grant competitions. To help with this intimidating and often labor intensive process, the Carolinas Council of Writing Program Administrators will focus its annual fall gathering at Wildacres Retreat Center on “Finding and Applying for Funding Opportunities.” The meeting will provide information to help participants identify relevant funding sources and will provide instruction in and hands-on working time for writing grant proposals. We envision the meeting as a terrific opportunity for you and colleagues from your program to locate and begin to pursue grant money, and we hope that the occasion will also give rise to some cross-institutional funding proposals.

Conference Schedule and Format

The format of the conference will encourage full engagement of participants from a broad variety of institutions and programs. We will mix small, working group discussions with larger presentations about grant seeking and grant writing.

The conference will begin at 5:00 pm on Monday, September 19, and will conclude at 10:00 am on Wednesday, September 21.

Featured session leaders include (more may be added)

  • Michelle Eble, East Carolina
  • Susan Miller-Cochran, NC State
  • Tim Peeples, Elon
  • Lynn Rhodes, USC Aiken


We invite proposals from individuals or groups from schools across the Carolinas. Each proposal should be no more than 700 words and should contain the following:

1)   A description of a project or set of related projects that you and your colleagues (if applicable) hope to secure funding to pursue.

2)   A brief overview of the possible costs involved with this project or set of projects. Rough estimates are fine.

3)   A list of grant-related concerns that you have and/or issues that you would like to discuss with others at the conference.

4)   A brief overview of any fund-seeking successes–research or teaching/administration related–you have had in the past (if applicable).

5)   The names and contact information (email and phone) for each person affiliated with the proposal.

Please be sure to title your proposal and submit it via email to Wendy Sharer (sharerw@ecu.edu) by Friday, July 15, 2011.

Titles and authors of accepted proposals will be included on the conference schedule as formal presentations/contributions. We hope this will open up travel funding for all participants.

NOTE: You do not need to present to attend the conference, but if presenting will help you secure funding, we hope you will consider submitting a proposal either individually or with some colleagues from your institution.

Registration and Cost

The registration price of $165 includes lodging and 5 meals at Wildacres, as well as all conference materials. The registration will open July 15, and the registration deadline is August 31, with no refunds after September 7. Prior to September 7, you may cancel and receive a full refund.

We anticipate that space will be limited. We will maintain a waiting list if you pay the registration fee, which will be returned in full if no openings become available.

Questions or Comments?

Contact Wendy Sharer at sharerw@ecu.edu or 252-328-6698.

Meeting in the Middle Conference Agenda

February 18th, Cone Center (Rooms 208 and 210), University of North Carolina – Charlotte

9:00: Coffee

9:30am: Peter Felten (Elon University)

11:00am: Poster Presentation Set-up

11:30am: In-house Luncheon

12:30pm: Poster Visitation and informal research discussions

Megan Hodgson & Tony Atkins (UNC Wilmington)
“Plagiarism 101: UNC System Schools and How we Enforce Plagiarism Policies”

Diana Ashe (UNC Wilmington)
“Real-Time Grading: A Tool for Engaging Millennial Writers.”

Jessie Moore and Paula Patch (Elon University)
“First-Year Digital Literacies: Teaching and Researching Technology-Enriched Innovations”

Nancy Barendse (Charleston Southern University)
“Using a Computer to Assess Revision”

2:00pm: Laura Cruz (Western Carolina University)

3:30pm: Closing remarks

Register Now

It’s not too late to join us!  If you would like to be a part of our One-day event and bring a friend with you for free, fill out the registration form (click here) and send it directly to Nancy Barendse (nbarends@csuniv.edu) no later than Monday, February 14.

*** Download More Information ***

*** Download the Registration Form ***

*** Get Directions, Print a Campus Map, Find a Hotel ***

Peter Felten and Laura Cruz to speak at Meeting in the Middle

Carolinas WPA is pleased to announce that Peter Felten (Elon University) and Laura Cruz (Western Carolina University) will be featured speakers at the 2011 Meeting in the Middle.

Peter Felten is assistant provost, director of the Center for the Advancement of Teaching and Learning, and associate professor of history, at Elon University. He has published widely on engaged learning and the scholarship of teaching, and he is on the editorial boards of the International Journal for Academic Development and the International Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning. Peter is president (2010-2011) of the POD Network, an international association for teaching and learning centers in higher education, and he will co-present a plenary address (“Is SoTL good for faculty professional development?”) at the 2011 conference of the International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning. His recent research focuses on how students learn and develop in college, and on the possibilities of student-faculty partnerships in the scholarship of teaching and learning.

Laura Cruz is an Associate Professor of History and Director of the Coulter Faculty Commons at Western Carolina University. In addition to her work in history, she has research interests/publications in the Boyer model of scholarship, the integration of technology and pedagogy, institutional subcultures, and graduate student development. She continues to serve as the editor-in-chief of MountainRise, one of the longest-standing SoTL journals.

The full Meeting in the Middle schedule will be posted soon.

Meeting in the Middle: Directions, Hotels, and Parking

We hope to see you at Meeting in the Middle on February 18th. Here are some resources to help you with your travel plans:

The parking garage adjacent to Cone Center has a Visitor Parking Deck has a visitor parking deck; the fee is $1/hr ($8 max/day).

Meeting in the Middle: The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning

WHO:           Carolinas WPA (CWPA)

WHAT:         Meeting in the Middle (one-day conference)

WHERE:       UNC Charlotte (Cone Center: Rooms 208 and 210) – Get Directions

WHEN:         18 February 2011 from 9:30am-4:00pm

The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning

“The scholarship of teaching and learning involves systematic study of teaching and/or learning and the public sharing and review of such work through presentations or publications.”

-Kathleen McKinney, Cross Endowed Chair in the Scholarship in Teaching and Learning, Illinois State University

The afternoon session of the CWPA “Meeting in the Middle,” our annual one-day event in Charlotte, will provide a venue for sharing our work on the scholarship of teaching and learning with our colleagues from North and South Carolina. We invite proposals for poster presentation that contribute to the scholarship of teaching and learning. Posters might, for instance focus on classroom-based research projects that you have done or that you plan to do, or they might focus on how research, whether classroom-based or not, can inform and enrich teaching practices.  Graduate students and faculty from all ranks are welcome to join us.

Please bring your own easel or way or displaying your poster.

Conference Description

Morning Session (9:30am): Scholarship of Teaching and Learning

Panel A
The morning session will feature specialists in the scholarship of teaching and learning from North and/or South Carolina universities.

Poster Set-up (11:00-11:30pm)

In-house Luncheon (11:30am-12:30pm)

Afternoon Session I (12:30pm)

Poster Presentations
Posters accepted will be displayed in the afternoon. Authors and attendees will be encouraged to roam the room and chat/discuss with presenters about their specific research projects on teaching and learning.

Afternoon Session II (2:00pm)

Panel B
The afternoon session will feature specialists in the scholarship of teaching and learning from North and/or South Carolina universities.

Closing Session (3:30 pm)

To increase CWPA visibilityBring a Friend for Free.  However, you must register your friend when you register. Registration is only $25.

We know we are cutting our deadlines close, so if you intend to participate (submit a poster), please send an email directly to Tony Atkins (atkinsa@uncw.edu) indicating the title of your poster, a brief explanation of the topic, the names of those who will be presenting the poster with you, and the name of your institution/s.  Please send your proposal by Friday, February 4.

Survey: 2011 Carolinas WPA Conference Topics

The Carolinas WPA Board is planning next year’s conferences and would appreciate your input on potential conference topics. Please visit http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/CarolinasWPA2011Conferences to rank the topics brainstormed at the 2010 Carolinas WPA Fall Conference – or to suggest additional ideas.

Please complete this short survey by Monday, October 4th. Thank you!