
Constitution of the Carolinas Writing Program Administrators

[The Board endorsed the constitution in September 2014 in order to maintain in good standing as an affiliate of the Council of Writing Program Administrators. Members ratified the constitution in December 2014.]

I. Purpose

A. Mission

Carolinas Writing Program Administrators (Carolinas WPA) was formed in 2003 to encourage communication among community colleges, colleges, and universities, public and private, in North Carolina and South Carolina. Members represent a variety of writing programs, including writing centers, writing across the curriculum programs, first-year writing programs, professional writing programs, and so forth. Carolinas WPA enables regional writing program administrators and teachers to share concerns and issues related to writing instruction and to the administration of writing programs. The organization also provides a support system among North Carolina and South Carolina Schools.

B. Non-Profit Status

Carolinas WPA is a non-profit professional organization. Notwithstanding any other provision of its governing documents, Carolinas WPA is organized exclusively for one or more of the following purposes: religious, charitable, scientific, testing for public safety, literary, or educational purposes, as specified in section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, and shall not carry on any activities not permitted to be carried on by a corporation exempt from Federal income tax under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. No part of the net earnings of Carolinas WPA shall inure to the benefit of any member, trustee, director, officer of the corporation, or any private individual (except that reasonable compensation may be paid for services rendered to or for the Carolinas WPA), and no member, trustee, officer of Carolinas WPA or any private individual shall be entitled to share in the distribution of any of the corporate assets on dissolution of Carolinas WPA. No substantial part of the activities of Carolinas WPA shall be carrying on propaganda, or otherwise attempting, to influence legislation (except as otherwise provided by relevant provisions of the Internal Revenue Code), or participating in, or intervening in (including the publication or distribution of statements), any political campaign on behalf of any candidate for public office. In the event of dissolution, all of the remaining assets and property of Carolinas WPA shall after necessary expenses thereof be distributed to such organizations as shall qualify under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, as amended, or, to another organization to be used in such a manner as, in the judgment of a court of competent jurisdiction, will best accomplish the general purposes for which the corporation was formed. If any provision of this Constitution would, if effective, threaten Carolina WPA’s exemption from Federal income tax under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, that provision is void and of no effect.


II. Membership

A. Any individual interested in teaching, service, and scholarship in the field of rhetoric and composition, especially with a focus on program administration, may join Carolinas WPA by paying membership dues set by the Executive Board.

B. Every individual member has a full right to vote on any matter brought before the membership.

C. Members receive member access to resources at the Carolinas WPA official website and listserv during their active membership.

D. The Executive Board reserves the right to reject membership and return dues to any person or institution whose activities within Carolinas WPA may be contrary to the expressed purposes of the organization.


III. Governance

A. President

  1. The President serves a two-year term.
  2. The President is responsible for coordinating all activities of the organization. The President is responsible for conducting the semi-annual meetings of the officers and Executive Board, for coordinating, with the assistance of the President-Elect, the duties of the Executive Board, and for representing the organization in professional settings. The President may designate others to take on these responsibilities as needed.
  3. The President may call an extraordinary meeting, either live or by any practical media, of the officers and Executive Board should it be necessary to conduct the business of the organization outside of regular meetings. The President or Secretary must provide sufficient notice of such a meeting so that other officers and Executive Board members can arrange to attend.
  4. The President can be expelled from office by a majority vote of the Executive Board. If the President is expelled or withdraws voluntarily, the President-Elect becomes the new President. Absent new elections of officers, the new President shall then serve until two years after the next regular election of Executive Board members. Upon expulsion of a President, the Executive Board may also conduct new elections of a President and/or President-Elect.
  5. Unless expelled, the President remains a voting member of the Executive Board as immediate past President for two years following service as President.

 B. President-Elect

  1. The President-Elect is elected by the membership of the organization, for a two-year term unless elected to complete the term of a President-Elect who has withdrawn or has been expelled. The President-Elect is President-Elect during the term. Candidates for President-Elect must have served previously on the Executive Board.
  2. The President-Elect is responsible for cooperating with the President in coordinating the duties of the Executive Board and guiding other activities of the organization.
  3. If the President cannot perform required duties or designates the President-Elect to do so, the President-Elect shall serve in the place of the President.
  4. An elected President-Elect becomes President at the expiration of the previous President’s term. An appointed President-Elect becomes President at the expiration of the previous President’s term unless replaced by a newly elected President.
  5. The President-Elect can be expelled from office by a majority vote of the Executive Board.
  6. If the office of the President-Elect becomes vacant, the Executive Board shall act promptly to appoint a new. The Executive Board may also conduct new elections to ensure that the President and President-Elect positions remain elected positions.

 C. Secretary

  1. The Secretary is elected by the membership of the organization, for a three-year term
  2. The Secretary shall disseminate information to the officers and Executive Board, keep and disseminate minutes of each board meeting, keep a current and replicable listing of members, and provide updated lists of officers and board members.
  3. By a majority vote of the Executive Board, the Secretary may be replaced by other willing candidates.
  4. The Secretary is entitled to participate in all activities of the Executive Board.

 D. Treasurer

  1. The Treasurer shall be appointed by vote of the Executive Board for a four-year, renewable term.
  2. The Treasurer shall maintain bank accounts and records of monies of organization and report at each board meeting on the financial status and the condition of the organization.
  3. By a majority vote of the Executive Board, the Treasurer may be replaced by other willing candidates.
  4. The Treasurer is entitled to participate in all activities of the Executive Board.

 E. Web and List Manager

  1. The Web and List Manager shall be appointed by vote of the Executive Board for a four-year, renewable term.
  2. The Web and List Manager shall maintain the organization’s web and social media presences and the organization’s discussion lists.
  3. By a majority vote of the Executive Board, the Web and List Manager may be replaced by other willing candidates.
  4. The Web and List Manager is entitled to participate in all activities of the Executive Board.

 F. Executive Board

  1. Election
    a. Executive Board members shall be nominated by the membership through a Nominating Sub-Committee of the Current Executive Board. Any member in good standing can appear on the slate of nominees.
    b. Executive Board members shall be elected by being arranged into races and then receiving the plurality of valid votes cast in their respective races.
    c. Executive Board members shall be elected to a two-year term of office, during which they shall remain members in good standing of Carolinas WPA. An Executive Board member may be nominated during or after a term of office for the position of President -Elect.
    d. The Executive Board will include an equal number of at-large representatives from North Carolina and South Carolina.
    e. Nominees should represent, when possible, the diversity of the members of the organization in such areas as gender, race, ethnicity, geography, type of institution, and size of institution.
    f. The Executive Board shall consist of four members, two of whom are elected each year.
    g. If an Executive Board member is unable to complete an elected term, the President shall appoint a replacement from among the members of Carolinas WPA to complete the term.
  2. Duties
    a. Executive Board members are expected to attend all meetings of the board held during their terms of office and serve diligently on the board’s committees and initiatives.
    b. An Executive Board member may be expelled by a majority vote of the officers and board should that person fail to fulfill obligations to the organization.
  3. Voting
    a. The President, President-Elect, immediate past President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Web and List Manager vote as part of the Executive Board, so that all reference to a vote by the Executive Board means a vote by its four members and the six voting officers.
    b. Unless otherwise specified in its Constitution or Bylaws, all actions of the Executive Board require a simple majority vote.

G. Meetings

  1. Executive Board: The officers and Executive Board meet twice yearly to coordinate activities of the organization, at locations and in the manner designated in the Bylaws. The officers and Executive Board may also meet as needed in person or by any effective media to consider specific matters.
  2. Membership: Carolinas WPA will hold two annual Conferences, a one-day spring conference and a multiple-day fall conference. At the Fall Conference, members may propose items for consideration or action by the Executive Board. The board may also provide for other membership meetings during the year, including special meetings of the membership for votes on petitions and proposals. Special meetings may be called and held by any practical means that will permit full and effective notice to the members and full and effective participation by the members.
  3. Petitions and Proposals: Any member may petition to have a matter brought before the organization by addressing a letter of request to the officers and Executive Board. This letter must be received at least one month before the beginning of the annual Carolinas WPA Fall Conference. The member will be given time in a general public forum at the Conference to discuss the matter in the letter, unless the Executive Board has already taken the action proposed in the letter of request. All votes on such petitions shall be done by a ballot sent to all members of the organization within two months after the general meeting. At the discretion of the President, before ballots must be issued the member may be asked to promise payment for all costs of balloting and required to pay a deposit in an amount estimated by the Treasurer to cover those costs. The Bylaws may specify additional procedures for member petitions and membership votes. The Executive Board may also, at its discretion, submit proposals to the members for adoption by a vote of the members. Any vote on a petition or proposal shall be determined by a simple majority of all votes cast, unless a larger majority is required by the Constitution, Bylaws, or the particular petition or proposal.

H. Terms

Expiring elected terms of office end and new elected terms of office begin on January 1 in the applicable year.

I. Voting

Unless otherwise provided in the Constitution or Bylaws, all elections and votes may be conducted by any practical and effective means, including online notices and votes.

J. Bylaws

The Executive Board shall be entitled to adopt Bylaws further governing Carolinas WPA by a vote of a two-thirds majority of the board’s entire voting membership. The Bylaws may not overrule the provisions of this Constitution.


IV. Approval and Amendments

This Constitution may be approved by a majority of all members who vote in an electronic election conducted by the Executive Board. Upon approval, this Constitution becomes effective and takes the place of all earlier Carolinas WPA governing documents. Amendments to this Constitution may be made by a majority vote of those members who cast votes in balloting conducted by the board using a medium that enables full participation by the members.