Job Ad: Lecturer in Composition at Elon University

ENGLISH  Composition. Elon University invites applications for a position as a permanent lecturer in English composition beginning mid-August 2014.


The candidate will principally teach in the first-year writing program and will also support Elon University’s General Studies program.  Lecturers teach seven courses per year. Opportunities for writing program leadership and teaching an introductory TESOL course are possible.


Lecturers are permanent faculty members with a continuance process and opportunity for promotion to Senior Lecturer, annual travel funds, and the opportunity to apply for other forms of university support.


Requirements: Master’s degree or higher in composition/rhetoric or a related area; two years of teaching experience at the college level and a record of excellence in teaching; and demonstrated professional commitment to teaching first-year writing courses.  Primary teaching and research interests must be in composition.


Elon is a dynamic, private, co-educational, comprehensive institution that is a national model for actively engaging faculty and students in teaching and learning.  To learn more about Elon, please visit the University web site at (


Review of applications will begin November 15, 2013 and continue until the position is filled. Send letter of application, curriculum vitae, and a statement of teaching philosophy to include your name in the subject line.


Elon University is an equal opportunity employer committed to a diverse faculty, staff and student body and welcomes all applicants.

New employees paid by direct deposit only.

Call for Nominations: CarolinasWPA Executive Board

The Carolinas WPA serves as an affiliate of the Council of Writing Program Administrators. All Executive Board members should be a member of the Council of Writing Program Administrators (or be willing to obtain such membership upon election to the board).


Nomination Process
To nominate someone or yourself, please review the open positions below. You may nominate someone with their permission for any of the positions listed below. You may, of course, nominate yourself for one of the available positions.


Send an email indicating clearly the person’s name, status at their institution (Assistant Professor, Doctoral Student, etc.), their affiliation, and the position for which you are nominating. You may include a very brief paragraph as to why this person might be a good fit for the board/position and for the organization.


Once the deadline for nominations has expired, the board will develop a ballot to be sent via the CWPA Listserv where all who are subscribed to the CWPA list will have an opportunity to vote on the candidates nominated for each position. The board will count and verify votes. Once the voting has ended and the votes have been verified, we will announce the new board members and their respective positions.


Please send all nominations to Tony Atkins and Lynne Rhodes no later than Friday, October 11.

1) President-Elect position.
This person will serve a term of one year in this role: January 1, 2014, until January 1, 2015, at which time this person will become president of the organization for a 2-year term beginning January 1, 2015, through January 1, 2017.
[Typically, the President-Elect is a two-year term. Circumstances have dictated that we deviate from our usual practice. In this case, the President-Elect will serve for one year before moving into the President Position.]


The President-Elect has two distinct roles. First the President-Elect is responsible for organizing the Meeting in the Middle (working with the host institution, developing the theme, inviting speaker/s, food, program, etc.) Second, the President-elect works directly with the President to help provide or otherwise submit panels to SAMLA and other related conferences (such as TYCA, NCETA, and/or NCEI). Additionally, the President-Elect will help in other capacities like contributing to the Annual Fall Retreat each year and organizing our annual Conference on College Composition and Communication recruitment event. This person is also expected to move into the President role upon completing a term as President-Elect.


2) Secretary Position
This person will serve a term of three years in this role: January 1, 2014-January 1, 2017.
This person is responsible for taking detailed minutes of each board meeting and sending them to the board for review. The secretary is also responsible for managing our constitution, and helping the board and president follow proper protocol for any elections or motions made during board meetings. (Secretary should be familiar with Robert’s Rules of Order, keep detailed notes, and maintain records of all meetings.)


3) At-Large Position: South Carolina Representative
This person will serve a term of two years in this role: January 1, 2014-January 1, 2016.
At-Large positions on the board serve multiple purposes. One is to ensure representation from both states (NC/SC). Another is to conduct out-reach within the representative state to recruit other members from NC/SC and community colleges. At-Large positions help to organize both the Meeting in the Middle and the Annual Fall Retreat. At-Large positions manage or otherwise put together panels for other conferences like SAMLA, TYCA, NCETA and/or NCEI with the help of the board). They may contribute in other ways as initiatives arise.


4) At-Large Position: North Carolina Representative
This person will serve a term of two years in this role: January 1, 2014-January 1, 2016.
At-Large positions on the board serve multiple purposes. One is to ensure representation from both states (NC/SC). Another is to conduct out-reach within the representative state to recruit other members from NC/SC and community colleges. At-Large positions help to organize both the Meeting in the Middle and the Annual Fall Retreat. At-Large positions manage or otherwise put together panels for other conferences like SAMLA, TYCA, NCETA and/or NCEI with the help of the board). They may contribute in other ways as initiatives arise.