Current Board Members
- President-Elect (Jan. 1, 2025 – Jan. 1, 2027): Magdelyn Helwig, Furman University
- President (Jan. 1, 2025 – Jan. 1, 2027): Robin Snead, UNC Pembroke
- Immediate Past-President (Jan. 1, 2025 – Jan. 1, 2027): Shawn Bowers Buxton, Queens University of Charlotte
- Co-Secretaries (Jan. 1, 2023 – Jan. 1, 2026): Heidi Giffin, Queens University of Charlotte and Hannah Taylor, Duke University
- At-Large, North Carolina Representative (Jan. 1, 2024 – Jan. 1, 2026): Charlotte Asmuth, Duke University
- At-Large, North Carolina Representative (Jan. 1, 2023 – Jan. 1, 2025): Cat Mahaffey, University of North Carolina Charlotte
- At-Large, South Carolina Representative (Mar. 21, 2025 – Jan. 1, 2026): Heather Listharke, Winthrop University [replacing Magdelyn Helwig upon her election to President-Elect]
- At-Large, South Carolina Representative (Jan. 1, 2024 – Jan. 1, 2025): Emma Howes, Coastal Carolina University
- Web and List Manager (Appointed; Oct. 16, 2023 – Jan. 1, 2026): Kevin Brock, University of South Carolina
- Treasurer (Appointed; Oct. 16, 2023 – Jan. 1, 2026): Megan Busch, Charleston Southern University
Board Member Responsibilities
The President is responsible for organizing the fall conference (working with the host organization, developing the theme, inviting speaker/s, food, program, etc.) and organizes the spring conference in collaboration with the President-elect. The President also encourages the submission of CarolinasWPA panels to the Council of Writing Program Administrators conference, SAMLA, and other related conferences. The President also submits annual reports of the affiliate’s work to the Council of Writing Program Administrators.
The President-Elect has two distinct roles. First the President-Elect is responsible for organizing the Meeting in the Middle (working with the host institution, developing the theme, inviting speaker/s, food, program, etc.) in collaboration with the President. Second, the President-Elect works directly with the President to encourage a Carolinas WPA presence at other conferences (such as CCCC, CWPA, TYCA, NCETA, SAMLA and/or NCEI). The President-Elect also helps in other capacities like contributing to the Annual Fall Conference each year. This person is expected to move into the President role upon completing a term as President-Elect.
The Secretary is responsible for taking detailed minutes of each board meeting and sending them to the board for review. The secretary is also responsible for our constitution, and helping the board and president follow proper protocol for any elections or motions made during board meetings. (Secretary should be familiar with Robert’s Rules of Order, keep detailed notes, and maintain records of all meetings.)
At-Large positions on the board serve multiple purposes. One is to ensure representation from both states (NC/SC). Another is to conduct out-reach within the representative state to recruit other members from NC/SC and community colleges. At-Large positions also help to organize both the Meeting in the Middle and the Annual Fall Retreat. At-Large positions also contribute to panels for other conferences like SAMLA, TYCA, NCETA and/or NCEI). They may also contribute in a number of other ways as initiatives arise.
Former Board Members
- Anthony Atkins, University of North Carolina Wilmington
- Marsha Lee Baker, Western Carolina University
- Nancy Barendse, Charleston Southern University
- Don Bushman, University of North Carolina Wilmington
- Collie Fulford, North Carolina Central University
- Dana Gierdowski, North Carolina State University
- Brian Graves, University of North Carolina Asheville
- Dee James, University of North Carolina Asheville
- Jeremy Jones, Western Carolina University
- Andrea McCrary, Queens University of Charlotte
- Amy Mecklenberg-Faenger, College of Charleston
- Susan Miller-Cochran, North Carolina State University
- Angela Mitchell, University of North Carolina Charlotte
- Meg Morgan, University of North Carolina Charlotte
- Paula Patch, Elon University
- Tim Peeples, Elon University
- Lynne Rhodes, University of South Carolina Aiken
- Rachel Spear, South Carolina
- Paula Rosinski, Elon University
- Chris Warnick, College of Charleston
- Amanda Wray, University of North Carolina Asheville
Past Presidents include:
- Anthony Atkins (University of North Carolina Wilmington)
- Kevin Brock (University of South Carolina)
- Collie Fulford (North Carolina Central University)
- Jessie L. Moore (Elon University)
- Tracy Morse (East Carolina University)
- Paula Patch (Elon University)
- Wendy Sharer (East Carolina University)
The Carolinas WPA founding board members were Marsha Lee Baker, Don Bushman, Dee James, Meg Morgan, Paula Rosinski, and Tim Peeples.